Monday, 12 January 2015

Monotype - VHS Cassettes (Responsive)

My previous designs were lacking the context I wanted for this project and I was finding it hard to use them in posters which linked them all together. I really like the individual typographic elements of these VHS cases and their use of colour and shapes.  

This could also be a good way to add some hand rendered type into my designs like on some of the covers above.   

Skateboarding company 5Boro recently released a series of designs titled VHS which marked the start of the company in 1996. They have taken old VHS tapes and edited the type making for interesting and visually retrospective images.  

Friday, 9 January 2015

OUGD504 Module Evaluation

I am happy with the work I have produced for this module overall. The diverse briefs have encouraged me to go beyond my comfort zone and produce work that I normally wouldn't have meaning I have gained new skills in digital, print and web design. My workflow has improved and become more smooth flowing giving my projects strong direct resolutions. I also believe my design boards and how I have presented my concepts in crits have been to a higher standard and am now more confident in my own ideas.

What I have learnt      

The variation in methods of production I have used throughout this module have broadened my design practice. While unfortunately we weren't given a chance to code our websites I was introduced to all the considerations when designing for web such as websafe colours/fonts, layouts and scamps and SEO also the basics of MTML and CSS. Through photography workshops I have realised the importance of capturing and presenting work to a high standard and have become more comfortable in using and SLR. I have learnt also about augmented design as this a been the first time I have been designing work with it in mind and considering how it can be used in connection with digital design.

What I did well

For the majority of the projects I managed the various design processes more efficiently that I have done in the past making my projects more balanced and to a higher standard. I explored more of the production processes that were available and considered these from the early stages of my project so I avoided unnecessary problems further into a brief.      

What I would do differently 

The area a few areas in this module which I would have done differently. I would have liked to explore more unique processes and ideas as I sometimes moved towards ideas that felt more realistic without giving other concepts a chance. I would have also liked to have allowed myself more time in producing my final pieces for some of the briefs as they were not at the standard I wanted them to be.
For the next module I want to manage my time better so I can put more time into the production of my projects. I want to also arrange and take part in more crits to get more feedback which will hopefully push me towards more engaging and different areas of design making my resolutions to the briefs more effective.

Thursday, 8 January 2015

Augment Leaflet (SB4)

To create my text I cut individual lines out so I could then lay black over the top to stop the lines from showing until it was moved. The layers on illustrator helped me preview how it would work by moving them over one another. It didn't really work with the word sequence as some of the curves in the letters didn't line up. The letters also needed to be large so the width of the lines wasn't too small for the effect to work  

The colour scheme matches the website and helps link the project together. I wanted the design to be simple as it isn't meant to be an alternative to using the site but direct users towards it and make the ad engaging enough for people to want to find out more.     

Put the logo on the back of the envelope with a QR code linking to the website. This is also the same as the landing page so makes an instant link to both this and gives the project good continuity. 

To create the leaflet I added a acetate window which would let the top layer slide and revel the word. 

The big problem I had with printing was getting the black on the acetate to be the same as the black on the card as the textures absorbed different amount of inks, I'll have to experiment with different materials and printers until I get the right one.  

Someone pointed out that it looked like a camera focus chart which ties in to the theme of my website well. 

Friday, 2 January 2015

Augmented Design Concepts (SB4)

Billboard Posters

Billboard posters that allow you to watch trailers though your phone when pointed at it. Would work well if opposite a bus stop or cafe where people are waiting for some time. I couldn't see it being as effective on a busy street where people have less time to spare. I do think there is a place for it however as if I don't already know the film billboard posters rarely make me want to see it, a trailer works far better. Using a similar format as the Layars magazine advertisement or a simple QR code could quickly link the user to the video. 

Interactive Type 

I originally wanted my website logo to animate when the landing page is opened so can apply this idea to a magazine advert in some way, while it doesn't give out any more information through interacting it will keep the users interested for longer which has proven to be useful in the adverts I have researched.

Simian Mobile Disco have made a really interesting record sleeve for their album 'unpatterns' through the use of a repeat pattern layered over one another creating an optical illusion when the case slides off. This is the sort of technique I would like to apply to my own design by incorporating it into my typography as I think it is appropriate to the themes of my website.   

Another way type and interactivity has been used effectively is in the 2014 Hungarian Design Yearbook where the type distorts as it is moved about.