I am happy with the work I have produced for this module overall. The diverse briefs have encouraged me to go beyond my comfort zone and produce work that I normally wouldn't have meaning I have gained new skills in digital, print and web design. My workflow has improved and become more smooth flowing giving my projects strong direct resolutions. I also believe my design boards and how I have presented my concepts in crits have been to a higher standard and am now more confident in my own ideas.
What I have learnt
The variation in methods of production I have used throughout this module have broadened my design practice. While unfortunately we weren't given a chance to code our websites I was introduced to all the considerations when designing for web such as websafe colours/fonts, layouts and scamps and SEO also the basics of MTML and CSS. Through photography workshops I have realised the importance of capturing and presenting work to a high standard and have become more comfortable in using and SLR. I have learnt also about augmented design as this a been the first time I have been designing work with it in mind and considering how it can be used in connection with digital design.
What I did well
For the majority of the projects I managed the various design processes more efficiently that I have done in the past making my projects more balanced and to a higher standard. I explored more of the production processes that were available and considered these from the early stages of my project so I avoided unnecessary problems further into a brief.
What I would do differently
The area a few areas in this module which I would have done differently. I would have liked to explore more unique processes and ideas as I sometimes moved towards ideas that felt more realistic without giving other concepts a chance. I would have also liked to have allowed myself more time in producing my final pieces for some of the briefs as they were not at the standard I wanted them to be.
For the next module I want to manage my time better so I can put more time into the production of my projects. I want to also arrange and take part in more crits to get more feedback which will hopefully push me towards more engaging and different areas of design making my resolutions to the briefs more effective.