Thursday, 30 April 2015

Disobedient Objects North

Experimenting with various layouts and fonts for the Disobedient Objects Exhibition.

As the flyer would be printed the document was set up in CMYK with a 3mm bleed and exported at a resolution of 300dpi. The white/black circle is a placeholder for the People's History Museum which is the same shape as I couldn't find a vertorised version.

Final Version

This version stood out the most to me. The previous versions seemed too structured considering the subject, whereas this one is a bit more sporadic yet fits within the grid. Contextually the cut-out effect on the type and the grainy image is reference to the punk rock movement in which Disobedient Objects were often used. 


The direction I take at the start of most projects is to relate it to something I find interesting outside of Graphic Design but allow graphic elements to be incorporated. I enjoyed the freedom we had with the responsive briefs and got really involved with a few of them. I find I can get along well independently which made the module easier as it was very self directed, but also wont hesitate to ask for others help or opinions when stuck. My method always stems from my initial research which then leads to an idea on what to create and the medium that will be most appropriate.

The feedback I got from the 503 module suggests that this is the case and comments were generally about my good use of contextual referencing and research which informed my design decisions. An improvement in need to work on is my time management. I tend to spent too much time on one part of a brief (research/designing) and not give myself enough time to produce a final polished outcome.    

Friday, 24 April 2015

Police Brutality Zine: 'Hands Up, Don't Shoot'

Common phrase used by protesters. 

Front Cover Experiments 

The content will be matter-of-fact because I am adding type from a number of different sources throughout the zine and saying it how it is, the black and white colour choice will reflect this transparency. It also relates to more obviously police colours in America (black and white cars) and the unbiased two sides of the stories - those responsible vs those affected - giving people the opportunity to form their own opinions while reading through.  

I am currently not sure on how I will print the cover but do plan to use a different black stock to the rest of the zine so will have to see how this will limit what I can print onto it.  

I have decided to use the image below as the front cover which I will screen print using a clear varnish on black stock. This will result in the text being hard to notice at first and will require someone to interact with the publication to discover it.   

The typeface is similar to one that can be found as the time and date stamps on CCTV footage which have recorded many of the incidents. I want to present the type and images in a slightly distorted manner as a lot of the videos fail to capture the full incidents, are a low quality/grainy or are from an odd angle making it hard for others to interpret what actually happened. In contrast to the synthetic sans-serif typeface for the title I have chosen to use a serif typeface to further emphasise to two different point of views.   


Quotes, opinions, facts and statistics gathered from my research. Will add as high impact typographic pieces alongside images.  

I have established a grid system I can begin adding my content to. The challenge will be to keep a certain structure that fits within the grid and keeps the pages consistent, yet provide variety to keep the reader engaged.  

Thursday, 23 April 2015

OUGD505 - Studio Brief 2 - 'Covered'

Undertake research to uncover a notable ‘thinker’ – a theorist or philosopher – whose concepts or views resonate with you.

Chosen book: 

Analects - Confucious 

The Analects (Chinese: 論語; pinyin: Lúnyǔ; literally: "Edited Conversations"), also known as the Analects of Confucius, is a collection of sayings and ideas attributed to the Chinese philosopher Confucius and his contemporaries. (Wikipedia)

I have chosen this book as ancient Chinese history is something that has always interested me because it is so culturally unique in all aspects. The music, art, writing, clothing, mythology are all incredibly distinctive and I would like to show this in my design. Another reason is that the original book is so old (475 BC–221 BC) its cover is unknown, or wether or not it had one, so instead of a re-design I will be creating something new. 

(image from original book)

Chinese calligraphy looks incredibly intricate and detailed which I want to try and incorporate into my design.  

Officer Resisting Use of Deadly Force

In a video that has emerged of an incident that took place in Ohio last week, a rookie cop shows that the use of lethal force can be the last resort for police in a threatening situation.

Jesse Kidder, an officer in New Richmond, Ohio, has been hailed for his restraint after bodycam footage emerged showing the 27-year-old holding his fire, even as a double homicide suspect lunged toward him and threatens to shoot the officer. (Vice News)

An example of appropriate policing in a situation where other have been shot in the past. 

Friday, 17 April 2015

Police Brutality 2: Quotes

The direction I want to push this project is the social impacts of the police brutality and the psychology/reasoning police act the way they do in certain situations - is its a racial issue? corruption? abuse of power? morality/immorality/amoral?



Baseball Bat
Tear Gas

I want to create a  set of images and objects to form a campaign showing the dark side of policing.

Police Caution:

“You do not have to say anything. But, it may harm your defence if you do not mention when questioned something which you later rely on in court. Anything you do say may be given in evidence.” UK

"You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say or do can or will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney. If you can not afford an attorney, one will be appointed to you. Do you understand these rights as they have been said to you?" USA

Police officers are abusing their power to get sexual favours and drugs, a report reveals, and it's feared that new force budget cuts could breed staff anger and more corruption.

Half of corruption and misconduct investigations result in no further action.

The report's figures showed that of 4,611 investigations, 2,891 did not lead to a prosecution or internal disciplinary action.

The figures for complaints of racial discrimination were even starker.

Of 1,043 allegations, 816 resulted in no action.


The militarization of police departments is a huge factor in all these killings. Perhaps, either through intentional, or unintentional focus/efforts, the focus has drifted to a military perspective, or attitude: Shoot to kill.

Death of Freddie Gray 

On April 12, 2015, Freddie Gray, a 25-year-old African American, was taken into custody by the Baltimore Police Department for possession of a switchblade. While being transported, Gray fell into a coma and was taken to a trauma centre with injuries to his spinal cord and larynx. Gray died on April 19, 2015.

The circumstances of the injuries are unclear; eyewitness accounts suggested that the officers involved had partaken in unnecessary use of force against Gray whilst arresting him—a claim denied by an officer involved. 

Like before the incident has caused a riot which has 

'Captain Desmond Carter-Bey said the furious demonstrations over the death of Freddie Gray reflected a distrust of the police in the blighted Maryland city that is so severe, some residents view city officers as an “occupying force”.

Gray was chased and arrested after “catching the eye” of a police lieutenant and running away. A knife was found in his pocket. Six officers are suspended while a criminal inquiry is completed. All are said to deny using force against him, but one is invoking his right to remain silent.' - Guardian

Jason Harrison 

Two officers fatally shooting Jason Harrison, who was holding a screwdriver.

Within two minutes of the officers’ arrival at the house, Harrison lay dying. He was killed by six gunshot wounds to the chest, arm and back, an autopsy found.

Kristiana Coignard

The family of Kristiana Coignard is considering legal action against police in east Texas after Coignard, a mentally ill 17-year-old, was shot dead when she entered a police station in what relatives described as a cry for help.

“Our belief is that she went there asking for help. It’s evident just by watching the video of how long she was calm, cooperative, subdued. For so many, I’m guessing about 10, minutes, there wasn’t any violence on her part, or charging, or anything like that. So I know that it was asking for help, that was her intent,” father, Erik Coignard.

An officer who had been on the scene for less than 10 seconds fired twice.

Police said that Coignard had “I have a gun” written on her hand and that an attempt to Taser her had no effect. In the video, the officers seem to make little or no effort to give Coignard first aid until paramedics arrive about seven minutes later.

End Section 

It is not that black Americans believe the police are guilty of deliberate murder, although there have been instances of that in the past. But they do believe, many of them, that the police are guilty of not caring enough about black lives to proceed with caution and reason, rather than with the presumption that any able-bodied black man is a potential threat who may have to be “taken down”, in the telling phrase used by the officer who caused Eric Garner’s death. 

America has black professors, black business executives, black diplomats and black generals, and for the past six years it has had a black president. All this would have been unimaginable when Barack Obama was born or, to be more precise, it could only be dreamed. Yet black emancipation has not happened in the way Martin Luther King envisaged. Instead of the collective improvement to which he looked forward, there has been a starburst of individual successes, but they are successes that stand in stark contrast to the difficult and harassed lives of the majority of African Americans.

This is the context in which the chronic confrontation on the streets of American cities between young black men and young white policemen should be understood. It is a confrontation that has terrible consequences in the shape of deaths, injuries and real or perceived injustices almost every day of the week. There are, of course, black policemen who may also use excessive force, and white people can be at the receiving end of such force as well as blacks. But the general tendency, white against black, is clear. Colour sharpens the conflict, and history, in this case the history of slavery and discrimination in America, deepens it.

Time Front Cover

Simple and effective front cover for Time magazine highlighting how America's attitudes have changed very little over the decades and events today mirror what has happened before .

OUGD505 Studio Brief 1 Statement of Intent

Studio Brief 1 

Police Brutality 

Society grants police officers enormous power over citizens to enable them to keep the peace and to preserve social order. They are granted a great deal of freedom to use their judgment regarding which laws to enforce, when and against whom. This wide range of options and authority can lead to the abuse of their power. The average person knows very little concerning the officers’ limits of power, and upon being ordered to move on, often enforced by a push and the threat of arrest, seldom stops to question the legality of the action. This submissiveness on the part of the public has rendered the police, particularly in large cities, arrogant and brutal, these supposed conservators of the peace are in my view frequent law-breakers.


The direction I want to take this brief is to communicate a non-biased view on the issue as throughout my research I have discovered that there is always two sides to the stories, it also occurred to me that portraying police in a negative way is unfair as it is only a small percentage of them. I believe compiling each of the incidents will be shocking enough to show how often police brutality occurs.

I plan to create publication which acts as a collection of all the incidents of police brutality I have come across in my research. The publication will include images and text surrounding the incidents to show the reality of these crimes. The aesthetics and tone of voice will be serious, matter-of-fact and dark in order to generate a reaction in the audience, focusing on using images and quotes from the videos and news reports.