Tuesday, 18 November 2014

Monotype - Horror/Sci-Fi Film Posters/Typography (Responsive)

I Googled horror movie posters to get an overview of the type and images currently used. As you can see they make use of similar typefaces/colours/images which makes them bland and merge into one. 

Logotypes from 80s Films

Individual logotypes were often created for films made in the 80s giving each film its individual visual identity. I believe that this is part of the reason as to why the films have become so iconic- the type is instantly recognisable and doesn't need images to suggest what genre and what the film is about. 

Science fiction films also had their own logos which are in a style of their own yet still distinctive today. Some typefaces have been created using the letters from the original logos. Bold angular sans-serif fonts were often used and packed closely together with futuristic strikethroughs. 

Current & Recent Film Posters

As shown by a few of the titles below the type used is nowhere near as imaginative as it used to be. A lot of the posters I looked at used similar if not the same typefaces and weren't the focal point of the posters.   

It is is clear that designers for these posters seem to be following a design formula which is making type used in film poster design generic and is what I want to stay away from when starting my own type experiments. 

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