Tuesday, 15 October 2013

OUGD403 - Studio Brief 1 - Alphabet Soup Critique


This crit helped me make the decision on which letter to develop into a full alphabet as I was previously unsure. I got good feedback for the soundwave (U) letter as it was a strong visual and arguably the most distinctive out of my designs. I did argue however that it my be overcomplicated and as a full alphabet or word could become illegible. The uppercase E with a section cut out the stem (bottom left below) after explaining that it represented speech disorder, specifically a persons inability to verbally produce the sounds for specific letters was also suggested. I think this letter also has a better concept as I have more thoroughly explored the subject. 

I intend to take both the soundwave and speech disorder letterforms a begin creating a few letters for each and have another crit to compare both of them together.      

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