Wednesday, 11 December 2013

OUGD405 - Studio Brief 1 - Frames (Photoshop) 2

Crit Feedback

I got fairly mixed responses from the crit which made choosing and idea difficult. I decided to go with the 3D perspective because I felt it was the most possible option within the time frame and also the clearest concept. 

Key points from the crit regarding the 3D idea:

-Stick to two colours, make it simple and minimal.
-Could change the perspective depending on size of the frame.
-Could try and combine two ideas - 3D icons floating in the space. 
-Different perspective depending on size of frame.

My starting point for creating these 3D letters was to experiment in photoshop using the 3D mode. This helped me visualise the space in which the numbers would fit and I could begin to sketch compositions for my backing frames.   

I liked the idea of positioning numbers on different axis so it looked like they were floating around at random rather then just seen from a different perspective. 

I want to produce digital renders of the letters although I dislike how they look in photoshop because of the automatic shading it adds which makes it look bland. I'm not sure if I should include shadows as it might make the image look overcrowded.   

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