Wednesday, 5 February 2014

Secret 7" First Ideas - Age of Reason Black Sabbath


I started by quickly generating words that associate with the song which I could possibly base my ideas off. 

Do you hear the thunder, raging in the sky?
Premonition of a shattered world that's gonna die
In the age of reason, how do we survive?
The protocols of evil ravage through so many lives
So many lives (x2)

Mystifying silence, talking peace on Earth
We should just join for ourselves, not what we're worth
Sustainable extinction, a fractured human race
A changing revolution disappears without a trace
Without a trace (x2)
Alright yeah!

Always felt that there'd be trouble
Mass distraction hides the truth
Prozac days and sleepless hours
Seas of change that don't bear through

Oh yeah!
These times are heavy
And you're all alone
The battle's over, but the war goes on
Politics, religion, love of money too
It's what the world was built for
But not for me and you, oh yeah!


Sabbath is generally a weekly day of rest or time of worship. It is observed differently in Abrahamic religions and informs a similar occasion in several other practices. Although many viewpoints and definitions have arisen over the millennia, most originate in the same textual tradition. The term has been used to describe a similar weekly observance in any of several other traditions; the new moon; any of seven annual festivals in Judaism and some Christian traditions; any of eight annual pagan festivals (usually "sabbat"); an annual secular holiday; and a year of rest in religious or secular usage, originally every seventh year.

The themes involved in the song centre around revolution and a new age. The existing world is shattering and so is civilisation. I have decided to focus my ideas toward planets, moons and astronomy because these words came up prominently in the mind maps.   

Starting Themes

Revolution, New Age, Order, Reason, Hidden, Eclipse, Dawn, Revolve, 7 Days, Unusual World, Fractured Planet

A Sabbath is determined in some religions when the moon has completed its cycle. It also links to the song as it is revolving around the earth a changing each day which could connote revolution. I have also looked at revolution in a more literal meaning to revolve or spin like planets and a vinyl record.  

Above I have tried to illustrate the idea of something revolving and coming full circle showing stages in a gradual change.   

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